The Modern Mysteries

The Modern Mysteries

All children are wizards. Growing up, most of us forget. Adults need reminders to remember who we can be and the real magic we are made of - we call this remembering “the mysteries”.

The “mysteries” are rituals that have the potential to unlock states of consciousness everyone already has access to - but has forgotten or otherwise sidelined for the practical short-term needs of the rat race.

Initiation is simply one way among many to cross the threshold back from “ordinary” everyday awareness to “sacred” or set-aside awareness. 

Most of us need to be initiated to give ourselves permission to unlock this divine birthright - simply because of limiting beliefs that lock infinite possibility and potential behind a false “muggle” identity.

Most of us have done this to survive - but it kills the spirit. 

The initiations of the Mysteries are traditionally separated by gender due to the significantly different needs of men and women on the Path of Return. 

I’ll discuss the men’s side of the equation here - and leave it to someone else to shed Light on Women’s Mysteries, something I support but for obvious reasons have no authority in.

There are 3 broad categories here - the foundation, the lesser mysteries, and the greater mysteries. 

Foundation: hero’s journey of death and rebirth, which prepares the neophyte for the next steps on the path. Base camp.

Lesser: the study of sacred culture, esoteric religion, and the history of the propagation and dissemination of the mysteries in various systems, cultures, languages, epochs - including its effect on politics, war, and the fight for freedom over tyranny, despotism, collectivism, vice, depravity, and authoritarianism. Climbing the mountain.

Greater: the ancient science of high consciousness in the purest abstract form. The core truths at the God-DNA level that are the first principles of the Adepts. The summit.

After that? Action. Building. 

Wisdom must translate to ACTION or it is wasted. 

It’s said that “youth is wasted on the young”.

By the same token, Wisdom is wasted on the old when it results in inertia or finds its home in the grave shortly after it’s transmitted - but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Initiation into the mysteries at a relatively young age, within an ancient structural support system guided by wise and powerful elders, is the balance needed to strike an “equilibrium of the contraries” necessary for broad cultural and civilizational, cyclical renewal. And that is what we have here today.

Too old, and you get wisdom without action. 

Too young, and you get action without wisdom.

In times of chaos and low vibration rule, the Colleges of the Mysteries are Invisible. In better times, they are the public foundation of the entire civilization. We live in relatively dark times - Kali Yuga. 

It won’t always be this dark. That depends on us though. We have an opportunity right now to refresh the ancient traditions as Modern Mysteries - and this opportunity will not always exist. 

What are you doing to contribute to this Great Work?

By Ernest Chapman, 33°