Our Hidden Masonic Legacy: Templars, Egypt, and the Foundations of America

The annals of human history are teeming with untold stories and lost knowledge, with 98% of it believed to be unrecorded and lost forever. What if our ancestors were the bearers of technologies and wisdom that, even today, would be considered advanced? What if the foundations of America are steeped in this ancient knowledge, inherited and preserved through the ages by our ancient brethren?
The Knights Templar, a medieval Christian military order, are often associated with tales of valor, mystery, and hidden treasures. However, beneath the surface of these tales lies a deeper narrative, one intertwined with the ancient civilization of Egypt and its enigmatic pyramids. It is said that the Templars, in their pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, unearthed more than just religious artifacts during their sojourns in the land of the Pharaohs. They might have discovered remnants of a lost civilization, secrets of advanced megalithic architecture older than anything we've ever imagined, and lost technologies that were inherited by the Egyptians.
The Templars believed that the ruins they uncovered, which included huge granite boxes carved by a drill, came from a pre-Deluvian civilization, a time referred to in the Bible as the time of Noah and by Plato as Atlantis. They sought to preserve the remnants of this ancient technology and the knowledge it contained, aiming to establish Europe as a center for the study and implementation of this ancient civilization's wisdom. However, due to the conflicts within Europe, they turned to the New World to set up the "New Atlantis," with the United States being the ultimate expression of this vision.
This quest for hidden knowledge and the pursuit of spiritual light have been meticulously preserved in the founding principles of America, making us the inheritors of this ancient wisdom. The monuments and the Masonic architecture in the United States mimic Egyptian, Greek, and Roman styles, with a particular emphasis on Egyptian, as it is believed to have inherited from Atlantis. Freemasonry itself was set up as a repository of knowledge so that should civilization fall again, it can be rebuilt, reestablishing structure, government, liberal arts, and sciences.
Discover these Mysteries Yourself
Delve deeper into these hidden mysteries and explore the untold connection between the Templars, Egypt, and the founding of America on Friday, October 20th from 7 pm-9 pm in Nashville, TN.
Join West Nashville Phoenix Lodge No. 131 for an exclusive event with Timothy Hogan, a world-renowned author and Freemason as we unravel the hidden legacy and witness never-before-seen photographs of concealed structures under the Egyptian sands.
Tickets are available for $49.99, with all proceeds going to their charity fund.
In-person and virtual live-stream tickets are both available.
Get your tickets at www.WestNashvillePhoenix.org/liberty today!