The Fortification of a Freemasons' Mind.

If you are an attentive mason then you know by now that the longer you practice Masonry, and the more involved you become, the richness and meaning behind each word of the ritual blossoms in ways that you could have never imagined.
If you are a studious mason, and one who has specifically studied the ritual in depth and committed it to memory, then you know how committing these lectures to your subconscious mind has a way of changing the way you think and altering your entire being as a whole.
In the same way that the body reflects the food and exercise it is engaged in, so does the mind reflect the information and exercise that it is engaged in.
A mind filled with useless information, mindless entertainment, and meaningless garbage will turn a man into a purposeless vassal of the vices he is surrounded by.
An empty or poisoned mind is more susceptible to the violent throws of passions, more ready to lash out in anger, and more easily provoked by insult.
In essence, if we do not care for our minds then we will lose ourselves.
You should think back to your Fellowcraft Charge for an immediate and direct illustration of this principle.
A Freemason, by his tenure, should be occupied first and foremost with the preservation of his mind.
In life we often are subjected to worlds of darkness, plunged into riots of ignorance, and forced to wage war against evils that seek to destroy the very fundamentals of our civilization.
The man who has not fortified his mind may very well fall prey to the temptuos rhetoric of these silver tongued demons.
Alas, the attentive and studious Freemason has fortified his mind against such things.
The true Freemason, the FreeThinker, who has filled his mind with useful knowledge by way of good books, quality conversation, and the prudent consumption of media will stand as a beacon of wisdom in his community.
A mind fortified by such habits is impregnable from without, and it's faculties can only be shaken when discord reigns within.
Enhance and fortify your mind my Brother, give not yourself to the ways of the world, and set yourself apart in word and deed as a truly just and upright Man and Mason.
PS: The Tennessee Scottish Rite Newsletter is looking for additional writers, please send your article contributions to for publication!